Understanding Types of Behaviour of concern in Disability Under NDIS

 In Disability, NDIS

What we are about to discuss must be taken care of in the most sensitive manner possible. Participants sometimes have conditions that may not allow them to react in a normal manner. This cannot only be harmful or themselves but also to those around them. Now, what are these? Under the NDIS, these can be referred to as types of behaviour of concern in disability. We at Gencare, help participants control and be independent in taking care of such behaviours. Read through to know more about it. 

Be Aware of Types of Behaviour of Concern in Disability

If the participant is a child, you are more likely to see such behaviours. It does not mean that a full-grown adult as a participant, cannot do so. Let us decode each one of them one by one. 


Most probably one of the common ones. Aggression is a common concern for people with disabilities. It can be: 

  • Hurting others, For example, a person may hit, pinch, or bite someone else.
  • Breaking things.
  • Refusing to do things.

To address aggression, it’s important to identify triggers, teach alternative communication methods, and use preventive or de-escalation strategies.


Ever seen someone hitting themselves for no reason? We have seen participants do that. Self-harming behaviors, such as biting, head-banging, or hitting oneself, are especially concerning in participants with developmental or intellectual disabilities. 

Understanding the causes, such as pain, discomfort, or communication difficulties, is key to developing effective measures and ensuring the person’s safety. Gencare provides experts who see these issues with the most sensitive approach. 

Not listening to anyone

What does this mean? It can be doing things that others don’t like, refusing to follow 

  • Rules,
  • Participating in activities, or 
  • Sticking to schedules which can be challenging. 

It might stem from a desire for independence or difficulty adapting to changes. Managing non-compliance can be helped by using visual aids, positive reinforcement, and setting clear, consistent expectations.

Disruptive Behaviors

Disruptive behaviors, like screaming or yelling, can interfere with daily routines. To manage these behaviors, it’s important to identify why it is happening and address issues such as 

  • sensory sensitivity, 
  • anxiety, or 
  • communication problems

Hiding Away from People

Hiding away from people, or avoiding social interactions, is a behavior often observed in individuals with disabilities. This can manifest as not wanting to be around others, isolating oneself, or withdrawing from social settings. 

Role of Gencare in Managing Types of Behaviour of Concern in Disability

We at Gencare provide our participants with the best support possible. Here are the ways that we do so. 

Personalised Support and Skill Building

Gencare, as an NDIS provider, can create personalised support plans for participants who avoid social interactions. By conducting individual assessments, Gencare can understand why a participant withdraws socially and develop tailored strategies for gradual engagement

Emotional and Psychological Support

Providing emotional and psychological support is a key part of Gencare’s role. Access to counsellors can help participants address anxiety and build confidence in social situations. Peer support groups allow participants to share experiences and strategies, creating a sense of community and understanding. 

Family Support and Continuous Improvement

Supporting families and carers is essential for consistent progress. Gencare offers education and training to help them encourage social interactions without overwhelming the participant. Collaboration with families ensures consistency in strategies used at home and in Gencare settings. 


By creating personalised support plans and providing a supportive environment, Gencare helps participants gradually engage socially. Emotional and psychological support, including access to counsellors and peer support groups, builds confidence and fosters a sense of community. Gencare’s gradual exposure to social settings and enjoyable activities further make socialising a positive experience. 

Additionally, support for families and carers, along with continuous monitoring and feedback mechanisms, ensures consistent progress and meets the evolving needs of participants. Through these comprehensive strategies, Gencare significantly enhances the quality of life for individuals who struggle with social interactions.

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